Sunday, November 20, 2005

"Let's Self-Medicate!!!"....Are you serious?!

Believe it or not, there's a commercial here that is advocating self-medication. Nope, it's not a joke! The messege they're trying to get across is "Take control of your own health. Buy over-the-counter drugs and take care of yourself!"


If you're going to pay a huge amount of money to make and air commercials, wouldn't you want to at least check that the main motto makes sense?

"Self-medication is the use of drugs, often illicit, to treat a perceived or real malady, often of a psychological nature.

Some mental illness sufferers attempt to correct their illnesses by use of mind-altering drugs. While this may provide relief, it can exacerbate the problem in the long run, leading to addiction, as well as the side effects of long-term use of the drug.

Sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder are especially prone to self-medication." (Wikipedia)

There's plenty of strange English being used here, so I suppose one more won't make that much of a difference, but considering all the discussions I had on the problems of self-medication in counseling classes, I have strong objections about this one!

NO, you DON'T want to self-medicate folks!! GO to a professional. Get help. Don't self-medicate!


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