The concert was an absolute blast. I went to their concert once in Portland, which I thought was even better than the Tokyo one since they talked in between songs and the stage set was better, but the Tokyo concert was still amazing. I sang, shouted, clapped, and stood for the whole 3 hours so I just about lost my voice and was surprised when I discovered that my palms were bruised from clapping so much! I didn't even know that was possible!
Anyways, going to the concert made me miss home! In Japan, I feel like something is missing, but in the States, I feel alive. I think it's all the unwritten/unspoken rules of the land here. I don't understand them or I simply don't know what they are, and so I feel like I'm second-rate and not part of whatever is going on.
People don't really understand why, as a "Japanese," I wouldn't feel comfortable here. But people also don't know that in my own way, I went through hell here when I attended part of jr. high and high school here in Japan. I died here once. I think that's why in a way, I'm never going to be able to accept this place as "home." For me, my memory of this place, it's as if it were a concentration camp. I think the reason why I'm still here is so that I can come to terms with that experience. I'm still fighting it. Don't get me wrong though, no one ever laid a hand on me. But then again, violence isn't the only way a person can die.
Hey, glad to hear you had such a blast! There was a bon jovi concert around here (I think in LA) just recently and some people from my lab group went.
Man, when are you coming home? =)
wowee. . i so totally remember your love for bon jovi! those good old ebeye days! that's so fun that you got to go! :) :) :)
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