Whao! Electronic Stores...

It's called "Yodobashi CAMERA," but it's an electronic store that sells ANY ITEM that uses electricity probably! That's not why it makes me feel crazy though.
From the moment you walk in, you have people shouting ads about this or that product, and EVERY inch of space is COVERED with advertisements or product descriptions. THAT makes me feel crazy.
I love looking through electronic stores and finding out what's out there, but this store....I can only be in it for so long. I don't understand why people don't feel crazy going to this store...there's just TOO MUCH information all at once.
haa haaa haa. . i can just see you going crazy! :)
Ha ha, I get headaches in stores like that too. Remeber when we went to one together with my sister?
my parents came this past weekend so I showed them your blog and the URL although I don't know if they'd be able to access it...with their computer knowledge
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