Monday, May 15, 2006

Japanese Restaurants

This picture is back from March when my family had a special treat to get together with a family friend from the States. They came to attend their daughter's graduation and took time to spend an evening with us.

I've known this family since I was 5 years old when our family first moved to the States. Our friendship has lasted all throughout these years and I'm still really close to them. They've got two daughters that I basically grew up with so we're like sisters. But all three of us have COMPLETELY different personalities, but strangely enough, we enjoy each other's company and like to joke around non-stop.

This restaurant we went to was in Kobe, called "Ume-no-Hana" which means "Plum tree flowers" (I think). It's on the high-end of restaurants, but the level of service and extreme details to presentation is well worth it.

All the food came in millions of tiny dishes and the waiter wearing a kimono kept bringing more and more food! All the food had such an artistic touch to it, that I almost felt bad eating it.

If you ever come to Japan, I'd recommend going into one of these traditional Japanese food restaurants, although it's a bit pricey, the process of having your dishes served and the overall presentation of the food makes it seem like it's an artistic performance.


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