Yup, that's right. I made a two-day trip to Tokyo with several friends and had a blast. I've never been on such a jam packed schedule for leisure purposes before!
We left at 5:50 in the morning to catch a plane to Tokyo, so that we'd arrive by 9am or something like that. I didn't know really know what was going on, so I made sure I didn't lose sight of my friend taking us all around. I did't want to get lost on the Tokyo subway system.

I've been the the Disneyland in L.A. more than I can count, but it was the first time for me to go to Tokyo Disneyland. My impression was that the Disneyland in L.A. was easier to get around in and more welcoming. Of course, the temperature was close to zero te day we went and we all froze our butts off. I'm sure my impression of Tokyo Disneyland will improve, if the temperature isn't so freezing cold.

I never knew stage shows existed in Disneyland. I usually did the rounds with all the rides except for anything that spins in circles up to now. Well, this time around, the main attractions were the shows and we hardly went on any rides. We went from one show to another to another. They were pretty interesting. I was kinda dumbfounded by it all because I really didn't know much about the show aspect of the place.

The second day, we all went to Disney Sea. It's another Disney themed amusement park right next to Disneyland. It wasn't as cold as the day before, so it was a lot more enjoyable. I liked Disney Sea better than Disneyland. More open space. The setting was cuter.
What's a blog without my little humorous observations, right? So here are a few things I found funny during my Disneyland trip:
1. All the trash cans said "Please Waste" on them! Do they say that in the States too?!
2. Whenever any of the Disney characters came out for the public, they got MOBBED!
It was pretty funny. They were getting mobbed, mostly by adults, not little kids, which made it even more funny. Everyone was quite frantic to get a picture with the Disney characters. I noticed that the Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty characters were popular with people over here, but when Mary Poppins walked by, no one knew who she was supposed to be!