My grandma! She usually lives with my aunt, but when I went to visit her, she was at the day-care center so I went to surprise her there. She had a stroke several years ago, so she can't move the right-side of her body now. She was so happy to see me she immediately started to cry. She immediately recalled my name and that almost made me cry. I love you grandma!!

View from my grandma and Aunt's apartment. The elementary school that my dad used to go to is straight ahead. I once went there for 2 months during summer vacation when I was visiting my relatives in Japan...had a TERRIBLE time there.

Another narrow path that my grandma used to always walk through to reach her office. My grandma has lived her whole life in this city of Sasebo.

The road that my grandma always walked on when she was able to go grocery shopping.

The liquor shop my grandpa and grandma used to own. There's a sad story behind it and why it didn't stay in the family, so I won't mention it here.

I'm not sure, it might be bad luck to take pictures of "obutudan," but I thought it looked really cool, so I snuck a picture. This is a little alter to pay tribute to my grandpa. My aunt places tea and rice in front of it ever morning. I'm not buddhist so I don't necessarily believe that my grandpa's spirit rests here, but I do feel "something" when I'm standing in front of it.
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