Sunday, November 05, 2006

Had to rub my eyes and do a double-take.

I saw the strangest thing today. I was about to drive out of the condo's parking lot, but I saw an old couple with a carriage walking past in my back mirror, so I waited for them to pass by. Then, when I backed up enough to see WHAT was in the carriage...I just couldn't comprehend what I was seeing!! A long-haired chihuahua!!

I've seen dog's with sweaters, hats, paw-shoes, and even a raincoat for rainy days...but this was the first time a saw a dog being taken on a walk in a CARRIAGE. My mind couldn't comprehend what I was seeing. I thought the purpose of taking a dog for a walk was so that the dog could actually GO FOR A WALK. What is the dog supposed to do sitting in a in a carriage??

While waiting for the light to turn green, I kept looking at the couple through my rearview mirror, and finally at some point they let the dog down so it could do its own walking....but I still just had to scratch my head and wonder about the logic behind the whole thing.


At 5:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So people do actually buy those things! I was looking through a pet catalog recently and saw that they were selling carriages for cats and dogs and thought, who in their right mind buys these things!


At 10:57 AM , Blogger myla said...

that is so ridiculous!!! good thing you didn't get in an accident looking at the silly dog show! :)


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