Halloween Party from last month

Thursday's Halloween Party.

Friday's Halloween Party.
We had our annual halloween party again this year. We always start off with self-introductions since some of the kids don't know each other. Some of the kids bring along their little brother or sister to the party and it's really cute watching all the kids squirming in their seats as they wait their turn to say "My name is xxx and my favorite desert is xxx."
Once we get through that, we sing a halloween song that they've been practicing every week. Then come the treats! For the staff, this is where all the chaos starts. All that sugar.
After pouring drinks, we start with the english-related educational games. Bingo, memory, pin-the-pumpkin's-nose, twister, etc. Once we tally all the points they've scored for the games, they take turns choosing their prizes. It's funny how the big brothers or sisters "order" their little brother or sister to take certain prizes. Cute, cute.
Now, to get through the Christmas party at the end of December!
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