I haven't updated my blog in such a long time! My digital camera is having a fit these days, so I need to take it apart and try to fix it again. To my big surprise, I took it apart this one time when it wasn't working, then managed to put it together again fairly sure that it wouldn't make a difference...but to my surprise my camera came to life afterwards!!
Well, that's not what I wanted to write about today. I wanted to say that I finally figured out how to transfer pictures I took on my cell phone to my computer, so now I can write stuff again :).
Anyhow, I have a backlog of pictures I've been taking on my cell phone to write about.

The first one is this "BEER" for kids I found in the grocery store!! They actually have bottles that look like beer, it even SAYS "BEER for good kids!" Can you imagine?! Of course, it's not alcohol. It's apple cider or some sort of juice, but still, why would you want to imitate beer and sell it to kids? Personally, I think it's a bad idea they're trying to sell something that looks like beer to kids. Sends the wrong message...

Another interesting drink I found while grocery shopping was a tiny can of Coke! It fits in the palm of your hand, so if you take like 3 gulps (maybe 5), then you've finished the drink. Cute, huh?
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